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How did MoonPie start?

How did MoonPie start?

Posted on April 02 2023, By: Kim Milligan

Have you ever had one of these tasty treats of chocolate, graham cracker, and marshmallow? 

MoonPies actually originated in Chattanooga, Tennessee!

It all began back in 1917 when a Kentucky coal miner requested one of our traveling salesmen, Earl Mitchell for a snack “as big as the moon.” The bakery obliged with a snack named MoonPie, a filling treat that fit nicely in a lunch pail and only 5 cents, making it a favorite among coal miners.

In 1939 when our brave servicemen went to war, MoonPie went with them. Nothing said home more than a care-package filled with their favorite hometown snack. From the frontlines to the home front, MoonPie was the comfort food the nation turned to during the heroic days of World War II.

MoonPies grew in popularity and are still in high-demand over a hundred years later!

You can read more about MoonPies in Ron Dickson's The Great MoonPie® Handbook